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I’m glad you’ve visited and I hope you find the content of our site to be helpful in buying your gear. I personally prepare a review and the fit advice for each and every apparel product in our store to try and add another level of information for you to make a good decision and be happy with the gear you buy. I’ve been reviewing and measuring new products in this business for over 15 years (heaven help me!) and selling those products online is how we make our living.

If you like what we do and you want to help support our efforts, I suggest that you join our mailing list so we can entice you to buy something!

Our emails, all authored personally by me, will come twice to three times a week and include new closeout deals, new product reviews and other happenings in the world of motorcycle gear. And fear not, we won’t spread around your email address so others can pester you… we save that fun all to ourselves :)

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